Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am a bit frustrated with the change to files 2.0 since I was just starting to figure things out and I am also not sure how to edit files in the new system so that I can put up my gif and my music concrete. For the music concrete assignment, I used chicken sounds(I originally wanted to use Husky sounds, but my husband was using them). My original intent was to make a somewhat lighthearted and funny piece, but somehow it morphed into something quite disturbing and menacing. I think I was influenced by the time of year and the fact that there were so many Halloween shows on TV this week. I had a lot of fun with the project, by playing around with pitch and tempo and I'm looking forward to learning how use more advanced methods. I called my piece "Night of the Living Chickens."

I ended up downloading a free trial of wiretap pro to copy chicken sounds from the Internet to my desktop, but I wanted to try to record sounds from my own chickens. The problem was that every time I made an attempt to do this, they were not particularly vocal, or the weather was not good. At one point I had my laptop out in the baby chicken room after a failed attempt to record them and decided instead to play a recording of a Debussy string quartet. Their reactions were quite comical! They stopped what they were doing(pooping and eating) and froze. After this without making a sound, they tried to discover the source of the music, and were silent for a good five minutes. I thought this was pretty hilarious and am interested in the effect of music and sounds on animals.

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